Friday, July 1, 2022

believe (imago dei).

I'm going to endeavor to put words to some of the thoughts and feelings that have been swirling in my mind and heart for the past several years. 

Wish me luck.

As many of you know, I grew up in a very conservative and sheltered Christian environment. My dad was the faithful pastor of the small community church I routinely attended, along with all of my siblings. I lived and breathed ministry life; volunteering for the worship team, children's activities, and even mowing the lawn. I went on mission trips and volunteered at Bible camp nearly e
very summer. I was homeschooled and had little to no exposure to peers or adults that were not Christian until my late teens. 

Like most of you, there are elements of my childhood that I cherish and elements that I wish had been different. I love my family fiercely and deeply respect and value my parents and the choices they made, even though I may make some different choices if I have a family in the future. 

My journey as a young adult has been messy. There have been seasons where I wanted nothing to do with my family, nothing to do with God, and nothing to do with life. As I have been exposed to so many environments and people outside my original belief system I have wrestled with serious doubts, skepticism, bitterness, and honest questions regarding what I was taught about God, the world, humanity, and so much more. 

My struggle with a life threatening eating disorder and the ups and downs of misdiagnosed mental health issues have called into question so much of the "happy clappy" image of faith and the world that I internalized as a child. As a sensitive soul I have always cared deeply about all things alive and beautiful and hoped for the best and brightest outcomes. The transition to adulthood has left me grappling with the weight of pain, evil, hatred, trauma, and brokenness in "the real world." My heart has been so heavy as I have absorbed and processed the events of the past few years. 

I feel my soul has only recently found a reprieve, and I am savoring a newfound passion and hope for this complicated adult life. I am sharing my thoughts with you from a position of openness, love, and deep respect. I request that you would extend the same to me.

In my wrestling through what I believe (not my parents, not my churches, not my friends, not my colleagues, not my mentors) I have gained these understandings...

#1...that this is a process that we all face at some point in our lives. For many, it happens in early adulthood as one separates from family and place of origin. For most, the process is not a "one and done" experience. In fact, I believe that a healthy individual will continue to evaluate, challenge, and grow in their beliefs many times in a lifetime. 

#2 ...our perspectives will vary largely based on our past personal experiences, especially our knowledge and our resources. For example, some of the issues/topics I am passionate about include my faith, a healthy relationship with food/body, mental illness, sexual trauma, feminism, and foster care/adoption. I have formed/changed opinions and beliefs around these topics because I experienced something that challenged and/or impassioned me. 

#3... that challenging and reevaluating long-held beliefs and opinions takes great bravery and humility. Learning to listen with intentional openness and kindness towards someone or something you disagree with is not for the faint of heart. This process invites you to make the vulnerable statements of "I was wrong," "I don't know," and "I'm sorry."

We are living in a season of polarity and hostility among so many people groups and ideals. Social media feels like a minefield to me as I navigate relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances all across the spectrum of beliefs (politically, religiously, environmentally, relationally, etc). Humans are complicated. Even in the most tight knit groups and cultures you will find variance, small and large. One may agree with someone passionately regarding one issue and disagree vehemently regarding a different issue. 

Our multitude of opinions are based on our core beliefs including (but not limited to):
the world (organisms, history, science) 
religion (afterlife, deity, morals)
our humanity (value, purpose, relationships). 

The way you vote and take action politically, pursue a career, interact with other living beings (humans, animals plants), respond to emotions, and build your unique life will mirror what you believe to be true. I recommend taking time out of your busy (or stagnant) schedule to ponder, question, and name your core beliefs. Then ask yourself, "What do my actions and opinions say about my core beliefs? Do I need to make some changes to realign with what I actually believe to be true?"

Here's the thing. 

I'm a Christian. My faith is very important to me. I have wrestled with what I believe through the lens of my personal experiences and my core beliefs. I am still questioning, still challenging, still working out the details of what I believe in the complexity of life. I do not claim to have all the answers. I acknowledge that I could be wrong in many areas. After all, I am just one human in a world of billions attempting to work out what I believe. Who's to say that I nailed it? When I die I may find out that I have been wrong all along. Or maybe I won't find out anything because I will simply cease to exist. I honestly don't know with 100% certainty. But I do know what I believe given the hand I have been dealt and the information I have evaluated. Just like you. 

I know that we don't agree on everything. That's ok. In fact, it's healthy. We need a world of diversity in thoughts, experiences, and passions. Even if I believe your perspective is wrong, it can be healthy for both of us to rub shoulders as we wrestle it out for ourselves. We challenge and sharpen each other. If we are open, we can become wiser, kinder, and better informed. There is potential for great beauty within disagreement. 

There is also potential for great harm. When we approach each other from a place of pride, bitterness, and hostility the only thing we fuel is hate. We dehumanize each other. We replace dignity with violence. We do not learn or grow or mature, we harden our hearts and limit our ability to love. Now, I am not saying that there is never a time to break ties or set boundaries with someone (or a group of someone's) in order to maintain your integrity. Many issues do require us to take action, speak up, and sometimes fight for what we believe to be true. But the reason that we choose to engage in the fight or cut ties with someone are significant. For example, are we coming from a place of integrity and love, or are we desiring control and power?

As I pondered all of this during the past year I found myself drawn again and again to consider my beliefs surrounding humanity. Who are we? What is our purpose? What drives us to do the things we do? What is our value? What is our function? ...Is it all meaningless?

I look at the world around me and I feel the gravity of evil and pain. I see humans with no regard for kindness and love. I see senseless trauma. I see arrogance and immaturity. I see physical and emotional damage. I see (what I believe to be) a world horrifically broken by what Christians call "sin" or, what I also call "the choice to separate ourselves from God." I am deeply grieved by the reality of those who have given themselves over to evil, hatred, and harm. I am also horrified to discover these tendencies within myself. 

Under the weight of all of this I have found myself collapsing into the belief that humans (all humans) carry imago dei, the Image of God. That in all our complexity; our beauty and brokenness, our loving and fighting, we reflect fragments of a good God. The glory of our original design peeks through the cracks of our messy lives. Regardless of your origin or your culture or your family or your beliefs, I believe you have the imprint of a creative, intelligent, relational, loving being. I believe the concepts of morals, justice, virtue, selflessness, loyalty, kindness, order, and art are evidence of something greater than a theory of chaos and luck. 

As I hold this belief with open hands, I find myself growing in my capacity for love. I am humbled. I am slower to speak and eager to listen. While we may not agree on issues of importance, I still believe that you have immense dignity and value and that you are worthy of love and belonging.  This core belief has fueled my purpose and hope during a heavy and painful season. I have begun to shift my attention from what is wrong with humanity to cherishing the beauty I see in others. To recognizing the goodness, the joy, the creativity, and the unconditional value. 

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is no good God and no imago dei. But I believe that there is, and as a result of that belief I am discovering new levels of joy, freedom, life, hope, and purpose. I treasure the people in my life more. I cherish moments of connection, laughter, and love. 

I encourage you to ponder what you believe and the results of those beliefs in your own life. I'm not asking you to believe like I do or to change your opinions. I am asking if you would be willing to join me in considering this complex life we have been given, in the hopes that you too will find solace in the chaos and hostility swirling around you. 

With open hands and all my love,

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

here's to (twenty six).

here's to quiet mornings and fresh brewed coffee
to wet puppy kisses and soft clean fur
to deep conversations and playful banter

here's to silhouettes of mountain ranges
to homemade pasta and olive oil and parmesan
to crackling fires and fuzzy blankets

here's to hello's after it's-been-too-long's
to popcorn and late night movies
to steep hikes and breathtaking views

here's to belly-laughter and happy tears
to holiday spices and giant snowflakes
to clacking keyboards and brand new paintbrushes

here's to sunset beaches and sandy toes
to empty airports and used book stores
to sloppy kisses and children's games

here's to favorite playlists and horseback rides
to inside jokes and nicknames
to sore muscles and deep stretches

here's to road-trips and waterfalls
to much-needed hugs and encouraging words
to brunch and grapefruit mimosas 

here's to sparkles and streamers
to hot tubs and heaping bowls of ice cream
to new tattoos and old hoodies

here's to wisdom (from hard earned lessons)
to kindness, and joy, and connection

here's to twenty six.

Friday, March 11, 2022

can you see me?

 It's 3:02am and I should be sleeping, but I'm not.

I'm staring at the blank wall behind my bed and swallowing a wave of nausea as the projector in my head flips chaotically through my memories. I cringe. I hold my breath. I clench and unclench my fists.

I realized recently that there is a common thread throughout the memories that my brain chooses for the highlight reel. 

Can you see me?

It echoes between the walls of my soul. 

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be seen. To be noticed. To be known. But in a very specific way. I don't just want to be seen, I want to be admired. 

I want to be seen as brave, beautiful, strong, responsible, wise, competent, kind, diligent, special, and successful, to name a few. At the end of the day I want to be seen as good. Please tell me I'm not the only one. 

I want you to see me.

Yes, you. I'm talking to you, reader. 

Family, Friends, Coworkers, Distant relatives, Acquaintances, Christians, Atheists', Buddhists, Democrats, Republicans, Young, Old, Wise, Ignorant...etc.

I want you to see me.

Which is why I am awake, tossing and turning at an ungodly hour. I am thinking about all of the times my flaws have slipped through the cracks of my futile efforts to appear "good." Some memories boast of my ugliest mistakes while some simply announce that I "said the wrong thing" or "made the wrong face." 

Like a chameleon I want to adjust myself in whatever-which-way that will gain your approval. And failing to gain that approval feels devastating. There is an avalanche of evidence against my illusion of somehow pleasing everyone, which leaves me with lots of opportunities to cringe in the middle of the night as I rolodex through my past.

Can you see me?

That question seems to be tattooed on the inside of my ever loving eyelids. I so desperately want to be seen by you. And I want you to love what you see. Because then maybe, just maybe, you will love me. 


There it is.

My soul is constantly searching for the affirmation that I am enough. That who I am is worthy of love and acceptance and belonging. So I peer into the chasm of my history and carefully calculate how you see me, thinking that is where I will find the evidence of my true value. 

Do you see me as brave, beautiful, strong, responsible, wise, competent, kind, diligent, special, and successful? Do you see me as a failure, a burden, rude, selfish, broken, foolish, and flawed?

In reality, there's no way to know what you see when you look at me. I can't read your mind. If I could I would probably be surprised at how little you were actually thinking about me. And even if you judged me with the same scrutiny that I judge myself, your opinions would be varied. One action could be perceived as wise to you and extremely foolish to someone else. 

You are human, just like me. Flawed, beautiful, brave, and foolish. To ask you to define my value is unfair to us both...despite what my brain may tell me at o'dark thirty. 

Can you see me?

My soul was wired to ask that question - it's imbedded in my core. It drives me to my knees. And it's there that I find the same truth again and again. 

There is someone who sees me. One who has seen every single snapshot of my life; every failure, every victory, every secret and every public announcement. I believe that I am seen by a good God. And when He looks at me He doesn't see me the way I want to be seen. 

He sees Me. 

All of me. He sees the good, the bad, and the ugly. He sees the actions and the motives behind them. He sees the maturity and growth and the foolishness. He will never turn away in disgust. He tells me that I am loved. 

I am worthy of love and belonging not because I am without flaws, but because I am designed for love and belonging. The need to be seen and known and loved is no accident. It's woven into the fiber of my being. 

So when I find myself tossing and turning in the night, desperate for reassurance, I want to turn my gaze to the truth that I am seen by the One who loves me most. There is no façade, no fear, no excuses. I am just me. And no matter what you think about me, good or bad, it's ok. I can rest in my worth as a daughter of God, created with intentionality and purpose, loved extravagantly and unconditionally. 

As I finish writing this I am reminded that so often our actions are driven by unacknowledged and/or unmet needs. Chances are, there's a reoccurring theme behind that things that keep you awake at night too. What is it? What echoes off the walls of your soul? 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

let go.

You’re still in shock

It makes sense

The wind knocked out of your chest

Reality hit you this morning

Take some time, take a breath

When you woke up and rubbed your eyes and the images remained

And you realized that nothing will ever be the same

You thought…so many things

And then it was not at all what you thought

Now you’re left sitting in the rubble

Picking up the pieces

Desperately trying to make sense of it all

Then, a flutter in your ribcage

A whisper in your heart

Giving you direction in the chaos

A place to start

Let go.

It’s quiet, but firm


Let go of what you thought it would be.

In the ashes and the rubble of your dreams

Let go

Let go of what you expected of yourself and what you expected of Me

Weep, mourn, rage

Whatever it takes

But please, let go

I know it sounds cliché and trite and dismissive

And I know you’re angry that I even brought it up

You’ve held on so tightly for so very long

It’s time to admit that what you wished for is gone

Let the dust settle

Let the tears fall

Let go

Let go of who you were, and who you will never be again

Let go of the regret, the guilt, the shame

No, it won’t erase the anger or the pain or the scars

It won’t rewrite your history or realign the stars

But it will help you breathe

Tend your wounds

Heal your heart

So let go

It’s the only place to start

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

twenty five.

1.     Food past the expiration date isn't worth it. 

2.     Spiritual, emotional, and physical connection with others is vital to life.

3.     Questioning what you believe requires integrity.

4.     Friendships/relationships are allowed to grow, change, and disappoint without devaluing the individuals involved.

5.     Cat urine is the worst smell in the world.

6.     There is absolutely no sense in keeping (or wearing) clothes that no longer fit.

7.      Nobody has all the answers.

8.     Sometimes self-care just looks like survival.

9.     Persistent, domineering self-talk can still be completely false.

10. Buy the non-slip shoes.

11. Just because you can stay up past midnight doesn’t make it a good idea.

12. It’s perfectly ok and healthy to change your mind.

13. To-do lists are a magical game-changer.

14. Debt is not the end of the world.

15. Pray bigger prayers.

16. Life is harsh. Cherish the beauty.

17. Humans in the church are just as messy as humans outside the church.

18. Being ignorant when you are young is not a failure – it’s normal.

19. Don’t get drunk…but if you must, do it around sober, safe people.

20. Seeking professional help is underrated.

21. Advocate for yourself in the doctor’s office.

22. Gaining weight is not the end of the world.

23. You are allowed to let go of harmful beliefs,

24. There is tremendous healing potential in vulnerability…There is also tremendous potential for wounding.

25. Art is underrated in the adult world. Do it. Share it. Celebrate it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

because it matters (be kind).

It's been a hell of a season, hasn't it? 

In conversations over zoom, in person, through face masks and over copious cups of hot beverages I have heard it again and again. We are weary. We are struggling. We are aching.

We got the proverbial wind knocked out of us. We have been repeatedly kicked while down. We have absorbed multiple "last straw" moments and yet we are still standing...Or crawling...Or at least, breathing. 

God only knows the details of my hard season and I don't know yours. The struggle has taken many different shapes, colors, and sizes. No two of us share the exact pain, and yet we can share a collective sigh that somehow sums up the experience.

And so here we are. 

And yet, in a season where so many are feeling different shades of the same struggle, we find ourselves increasingly divided and hostile. As a natural-born peacemaker, it's exhausting to watch. I have dear friends and family that span a vast range of opinions regarding political, religious (or non-religious), economic, and scientific worldviews (to name a few). It seems that I know people on all extreme ends of the spectrum of opinions. 

This is what I have concluded...

Nobody has all the answers... if any. 

Most people are doing the best that they can with the resources that they have. 

We are not all that different.

...And if ever there was a time to be kind, it's now. 

2021 was hands down the most difficult year I have lived yet. The perfect storm of circumstances collided during the pandemic for me resulting in the loss of so many precious things. One of those precious things was certainty. 

Things like my purpose, my faith, and my passion feel shaken to the core. 

I have been questioning so much and so often that some days it feels as if  I will wake up and realize I have been unknowingly cast as a supporting character in a satirical TV show. So often I have felt as if nothing matters anymore. As if life is a meaningless and cruel joke. In the chaos of everything that has happened and is happening in the world and in my personal life, is there meaning to be found? 

In the ashes of everything I thought I knew, I have discovered something that I believe does matter.

It's love.  

See, we humans are so messy, so awful, and so desperately beautiful that it takes my breath away. To experience love is so painful and so necessary that we will stop at nothing to obtain some version of it. We each carry the ability to love and be loved and yet for whatever reasons we withhold it, extinguish it, or abuse it. 

This is my plea. 

Be kind. 

You have no idea the pain that another human is carrying in their soul. 

You are no better and no greater than your neighbor that you mock. We are all simply human. You cannot begin to boast of knowing the why behind someone else's behavior. You can speculate, you can guess, you can even puzzle together the handful of facts you hold. But it is not yours to know or to judge another soul. It is yours to love. 

That's what makes your life beautiful. Not your opinions, not your knowledge, not your certainty. It's your love. 

We are all tired. We are all struggling. We are all aching.

Please, be kind. 

Be defined by the one thing that makes humanity beautiful, that makes human life worth living. Be defined by love. 

Because it matters.

At the end of the day when everything else has burned to ashes, love matters. 

Be kind. 

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13