Thursday, February 17, 2022

let go.

You’re still in shock

It makes sense

The wind knocked out of your chest

Reality hit you this morning

Take some time, take a breath

When you woke up and rubbed your eyes and the images remained

And you realized that nothing will ever be the same

You thought…so many things

And then it was not at all what you thought

Now you’re left sitting in the rubble

Picking up the pieces

Desperately trying to make sense of it all

Then, a flutter in your ribcage

A whisper in your heart

Giving you direction in the chaos

A place to start

Let go.

It’s quiet, but firm


Let go of what you thought it would be.

In the ashes and the rubble of your dreams

Let go

Let go of what you expected of yourself and what you expected of Me

Weep, mourn, rage

Whatever it takes

But please, let go

I know it sounds cliché and trite and dismissive

And I know you’re angry that I even brought it up

You’ve held on so tightly for so very long

It’s time to admit that what you wished for is gone

Let the dust settle

Let the tears fall

Let go

Let go of who you were, and who you will never be again

Let go of the regret, the guilt, the shame

No, it won’t erase the anger or the pain or the scars

It won’t rewrite your history or realign the stars

But it will help you breathe

Tend your wounds

Heal your heart

So let go

It’s the only place to start

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