Sunday, May 12, 2019


I took a sip and tilted my head back.
The flavors of bitter and sweet lingered on my tongue with stunning complexity
I was flooded with sensations of vibrant joy mingled with the sharpness of grief
Powerful currents in a torrent racing the full spectrum of emotion
My chest tightens and expands
I make the conscious choice to open the windows of my heart
To freefall
To feel

To fully experience the colors of my life requires that I release control
I find it impossible to embrace the rawness of joy without these pangs of sorrow
This is the reality I am learning to savor
To both laugh and cry freely
To feel the refreshment of peace and the intensity of anger
To hold them gently in my hand like the fine crystal glass I am sipping

There will always be things to celebrate and things to mourn
I want to run from celebration because I fear the mourning
But hiding from joy has never chased away sorrow
And running from grief has only kept joy at arm’s length
I choose to taste the richest tones of my life, both bitter and the sweet

To pause in awe of a sunrise or a mountain range
Or the worn lines of age etched in the faces of generations before me
To throw my head back and laugh
To feel the grass between my toes
To sip my coffee slowly and sprint the mile
To feel warm sunlight on my skin and cool rain splash on my head
To allow the reality of new life and the reality of death to both rock me to my core
To be hospitable to the imperfections of myself and others
All the while holding onto hope for something better
To press into the discomfort of labor and breathe in the relief of rest
To choose to engage in both

To taste the full-bodied complexity of life for what it is
Not my fantasy of pristine safety and black and white security
All the while knowing and accepting that tomorrow holds the unknown
Blended torrents of joy and pain

I want to inhale the aromas and feel the textures and taste the fullness
For this is a wonderful, difficult, joyous, painful, and breathtaking life
I refuse to survive in a state of numbness and self-protection
For my terror of the depths of my heart is matched only by my determination to live
To truly live

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