Wednesday, August 7, 2019


“Forward” You said
Though I was all out of breath
My heart beating fast
My appearance a mess

“Forward” You said
And I fell into line
Excitement ‘round the Bend
Firmly fixed in my mind

“Forward” I went
Pleased to go on my way
Til I rounded the curve
And the path gave way

“Backwards” I fell
Down the mountain I’d climbed
Confusion, resentment, failure
Caught me in time

Where were You?
When that path gave way?
Had you known all along?
Why didn’t you say?

“Forward” You said
And I had trusted You
Not knowing the path
Or what I was to do

“Backwards” I fell
Now I’m confused
Did I hear you wrong?
Should I have doubted you?

Now in the “backwards” I rest
Unable to move
All I want is Your warmth
But I can’t find you

Then a voice from behind
Carrying strength through the fray
“Forward” it says
“I’ll show you the way”

And I knew it was You
From the song in the phrase
But I dug in my heels
And told You, “I’ll stay”

“See, 'Forward,' I went
And found Vulnerable, and Lost
I find it safer in 'Backwards'
No change, and no cost”

“Backwards,” I said
“I understand well
From the swamps to pits
To the rock-slid paths

Forward is scary
Uncontrolled, undefined
Full of pain and despair
Unknown, unanalyzed”

“No thanks” I said
With a gleam in my eye
“You can say what you will,
I’ve made up my mind”

“Forward” You said quietly
As if not hearing my choice
And you picked up my boots
And my pack and my hat

“Forward” You went
Carrying all of my things
And I sat there stunned
Wanting to fume or to laugh

All alone, all at once
I cried out in despair
“I cannot go on!
I won’t make it up there!”

Then I looked about Backwards
And realized I knew
That I’d rather not stay
If it meant losing You

So, I gathered myself
And I dusted my nerves
Ditched my pride (and my beanie)
And began again “Forward”

And then there You were
As though you never had left
With a sparkle in Your eyes
And a spring in Your step

“Forward” You said
Though I wanted to hear more
But, you pointed out the path
As if to say You were sure

And maybe someday 
You'll explain the rest
Like why the path gave way
And we couldn't go back

But for now, I choose to trust
To listen for Your voice
That your "Forward" is better
Than the "Backward" of my choice

 So “Forward” I’ll go
Though I’m scared and confused

And I’ll round the next Bend
Holding tight to You

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