Monday, October 5, 2015

momentum. (keep running!)

My feet pound the pavement
A steady rhyme in my ears
The sun warms my face
The breeze cools my back
Destination is my focus
But the journey is my reality

Time ticks with every stride
Thoughts meander through my brain
In the background of my mind
Images play like a film
Soundtracks spin familiar songs

Boredom toys with me
Til I round the corner
And my scene shifts
I find my smooth terrain
Becomes an upward climb

"No problem" I whisper
Through systematic breaths
Something in me welcomes challenge
I know I need a change
Fresh determination burns in my chest

I can keep running
I know this to be true
Despite the pain I feel
I won't let defeat steal my view
I press on
I run uphill

Almost there and I'm losing
My chipper attitude
Instead of habitual motion
Every step is a choice
An effort
A pushing through

I can keep running
I grab onto this truth
I'm almost to the top
I press on, against my comfort's will
I run

All other activity
In my analytical head
Screeches to a halt
Leaving room for "Keep going!"
This mantra occupies me instead

I crest the top and it's worth it
Relief meets me there
I celebrate the fact
Just when I thought it would kill me,
I kept running
With eyes fixed ahead

Road now sloping downward
I'm delighted by the ease
Difficulty forgotten
Once again, I feel carefree
I contemplate my gait
Motivation embraces apathy

Why hurry? Why keep the pace?
It's so nice to feel the comfort
To relax for a change
The road flies by beneath me
All I do is lift my feet

I can keep running
Or I could choose not to
Why is quitting so appealing
When I've already endured?
Destination recalled
I press on
I run forward

Gratitude floods in
I catch my breath
I rest my heart
This moment cheers me
Propelled by momentum
All else fades away
I run on

Sometimes I round the corner
To find another hill
Sometimes mundane awaits
Or a breathtaking view
Sometimes another bend
In this ever winding route

When the hills come
Or I despise the boring road
It dawns on me
My need for downward slopes
How momentum from the ease
Gives my weary soul hope

I will keep running
I can because I know
I won't regret pressing on
But I'll regret going slow
I choose to run in spite of me
I run to reach my goal.

"...let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted." - Hebrews 12:1-3

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