Sunday, October 25, 2015


It's never enough.

Don't you know?

It's never enough.

Striving and chasing
Work harder, work smarter
The list never ends
Success seems so far
Elusive, unattainable
Impossible - it seems

Everyone's trying
So it "must be right"
At least that's the logic
That steals days and nights

Do you see the fake smiles?
The hollow, tired eyes?
Something is wrong
But who'll be brave to admit?
That it isn't everything
It's not enough to satisfy

Each direction that you turn
Holds another "Failure!" sign
Fool yourself, but you won't fool me
Each success hides a lie
Keep it up or lose it all
You are what you do
Do well? Congradulations
Wait till life hits you

Your performance can't earn peace
Perfect mother, perfect friend
Perfect boss, perfect fit
Your perfection's out of reach
Can you bear it?
The weight is crippling
Desperation bursts from inside
If it hurts, stuff the pain
Welcome numbness as a friend
When this attempt fails
Find another
Try again
Distract yourself with "life"
Cling to the rush
Keep the quiet at bay
Heaven forbid you notice
That happy is miles away

But if you're tired
If you're weary
If you don't want to keep this up
Come here
Come close
I have something wonderful
Something real
To fill you up

You weren't meant to be productive
You were meant to be loved


I don't have a weighty conclusion to this one. At least not in the form of a poem. I just want to share my heart. Real and raw.

I  feel a constant restlessness. I'm too familiar with anxiety. There's always something in the back of my mind that I should be doing or I should be doing better. My time is an enemy and my closest friend all at once.

I wish you could peek into my soul and feel the struggle for yourself.

Maybe I'm not the only one who feels it.

I love my job, but I live under the weight of "you could do better" on those days when I'm tired and life just feels hard. 

I have great friends, but I sure wish I could be there for all of them when they need me.

I love my relationship with God and claim it as my number one passion, but I wrestle feelings of inadequecy in my quiet moments reading and journaling.

I like to exercise and I like the results, but I could spend eternity on the treadmill and still never measure up. 

Don't get me started on my hobbies.

I get this feeling that I exist in order to fill roles and produce some form of excellence. Improve yourself is a nifty saying, but is that really how I'm supposed to live?

Underneath all of this pressure to make my life productive, there is a deep and unquenchable desire to know that I am enough.

To reach the end of the day and just feel good.

I want to feel like my day wasn't another failure. I want to enjoy my life. Sorry for being so simplistic, but I'm weary of the high performance scene. I can't keep up.

So, the thought that has been stewing in my overactive brain lately is this:
What if productive is not my purpose?
Can we just stop and think about that for a second? Maybe I just need to stop and think about it for a second. Or a few hours.

What if right now, in this moment, I am enough...

And what if it has nothing to do with my effort to become enough?

What I do is simply NOT who I am.

Instead of "Hello, I'm Joanna [the daughter; sister; friend; barista; babysitter; student; girlfriend; church attendee; coworker; volunteer; runner..etc]," what if it's just "Hello, I'm Joanna"?

I'm a person. I have a personality. I have character strengths and weaknesses. I have preferences. I have needs. I have dreams and desires. I have a million thoughts a day that no one ever sees or hears about.

I'm just me.

In order to have peace of mind, I need to reassurance that I am allowed to just be me.

Some days, every second produces tangible results that make me feel good about myself. Some days, the only productive thing that I do is my own laundry. Most days fall somewhere inbetween. I'm desperate to know that no matter what my day looks like, I'm still valuable, loved, and cherished for who I am, not what I do.

My life is more than what I can or cannot produce. I am more than what I do. 

I am loved by God more than I could ever imagine. He sees all my days (even the unproductive ones!). He isn't super concerned. He still loves me.

All those areas that I feel like I'm failing? He doesn't mind.

He wants one thing from me, and it's not my performance - it's my heart. He wants my heart to be captivated by Him only. Head over heels in love. Joy uncontainable. Peace inexpressible. Abiding. Resting. "Doing life" with Him. Satisfied by His love. Held in His embrace.

It feels silly, insignificant, unproductive, childish...etc.

But, as unimpressive as it sounds to both of us... I'm sick of exhausting myself trying to earn significance.

I choose to believe that I am already significant. I am enough. 

How do I know? God told me so.

Before I ever did one thing right in my life, He said that I'm to die for.

This is life abundant.

This is what I want.

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