Monday, December 14, 2015

meet me here.

When anger drowns out reason
When unbelief is a season
When my own strength is spent
Meet me here

When arrogance has burned me
When deception has cloaked me
When I'm totally confused
Meet me here

When selfishness has conquered love
When I doubt that You're enough
When I don't care anymore
Meet me here 

When I push you away
When I've run headlong astray
When I stumble...and then fall
Meet me here

When fear overwhelms
When it hurts like hell
When my hope flickers dim
Meet me here

When apathy reigns 
When I refuse to change
When my pride tunes you out
Meet me here

When I'm swimming upstream
When it's harder than I dreamed
When I just give up
Meet me here

Meet me here where no one else will
Meet me here where no one else can
Meet me here to wash away shame
Meet me here and take me by the hand

Meet me here
Then, please God, 
Lead me out. 

I don't want to stay here
But I can't find my way out
My heart feels so raw
So can I give you my doubt?

If you can't meet me
Then what am I to do?
This is one big mess
And my only hope is You

I've tried every wrong turn
I've come back empty and hurt
So will you bind up my wounds?
Will you mend my heart?

"Trust me," You say
And I don't understand
Why I can't feel you here
Where I need you the most

So I pound empty fists
I declare You are good
It's not pious or pretty
It's just all that I've got

This I call to mind
Past times I groped for hope
You did meet me there
Where I needed you the most

So now I choose to believe
Though it's far from my heart
I stake my claim on truth
I believe you'll meet me in the dark

Someday, here will be there
In my journey's tale
And I'll turn my head and laugh
For every moment of doubt

"You met me There,
So Here I'll trust you again"
Sweet victory recorded
How my Shepherd led me out

"The Lord is near to all who call on Him,
To all who call on Him in truth" 
- Psalm 145:18

"This I call to mind, and thereford I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning;
Great is your faithfulness.
'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul
'Therefore, I will hope in Him'
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him"
- Lamentations 3:21-25

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