Tuesday, September 8, 2015

say "yes."

You face a fork in the road
It happens every day
I've given you the choice
To shake your head and walk away
Can't you see my outstretched hand?
And the pleading in my eyes?
Abundant life awaits
Hear my voice, ignore the lies
You think I want to rob you
Cage your joy and kill your fun
My agenda frightens you
But before you turn and run
Say yes, say yes to me
And what I have in mind
Don't you know I love you?
Or do you need another sign?

I won't bind you
I won't force you
You have freedom to say "no"
But "yes" is the adventure
Take my hand
C'mon let's go!
When you don't get it
When it hurts
When you don't want to
When you just don't know
When apathy's you're friend
And I feel like your foe
Say "yes"

It's easier for us both
When you don't choose to make it hard
Bend your knee
Let down your guard
Extend your open heart
Let me be who I am
And be yourself for a start
You weren't meant to know best
Don't put that to the test
You can't go your way and win
So won't you just say yes?

You feel it's killing you
To surrender one more time
But the life I have for you
Beats the one you leave behind
When you want to pull back
When you want to push away
When you want to launch out
And I've asked you to stay
When you see your own weakness
And impossibility looms
When you're too tired and too sore
When my love has closed a door
When you'd simply rather not
Say "yes"

You don't know what you'll miss
If you decide to tune me out
I have everything you'll need
So be brave, pitch your doubt
This isn't complicated
And you're weary of the fight
In my way you will find rest
Will you trust me and say yes?
Receive my will and yield the throne
Because I've made you my own
My child, I love you dearly

Won't you please say "yes"?

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